Quality Policy
Quality Clauses
POQC Rev D 11/01/2021
To assure minimum customer requirements are communicated
to the supply chain when goods or services are procured.
De Cuir Machine, Inc. purchase orders flow down customer requirements to its process suppliers
and/or sub-tier suppliers by adding DMCI quality clauses (requirements),
when purchasing services and/or goods from outside suppliers.
Certificate of Conformance
A Certificate of Conformance attesting compliance to all related specifications and/or general requirements must accompany services and/or goods procured under this purchase order.
Certificate of Conformance - Special Processing
Services and/or Tests requiring special handling, which cannot be objectively evidenced through normal inspection verification, will require separate and special Certification of Conformance forms. The nature and type of C of C will be either a vendor or DECUIR form detailing all necessary information. Examples: Vacuum testing at temperature. Proof-load testing at vendor. Contact cognizant DECUIR personnel for specific information if not clearly stated in body of purchase order.
Inspection and Testing
Dimensional characteristics produced in part or in whole of this purchase order shall be recorded on inspection forms and shall accompany the products at time of shipment. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions and as applicable critical items including key characteristics, will be recorded 100% actual for each character and each individual part. No sampling allowed. All dimensions shall bear the stamp of a quality assurance representative.
Test records of any process that are performed under the purchase order are to be documented and shall accompany all products at time of shipment and shall bear the stamp of qualified personnel performing test.
Material Test Report and Traceable Documentation
All deliverable products shall have a material test report containing the chemical composition and physical properties of raw materials used in fabrication of products under purchase orders. These records must objectively maintain traceable documentation to final product, including all heat lot, serial numbering and record retention throughout the entire manufacturing process.
Part Marking
All details and/or assemblies shall be part marked according to drawing and/or specifications referenced.
Temporary Part Marking
Each article of purchase order shall have temporary identification applied at time of shipment. The method of identification shall be of a nature, which is secure, yet can be easily removed by personnel without mechanical means. The preferred default method shall be the use of tags, which contain pertinent information to the detail and/or assembly.
The minimum information temporary identification should contain shall be as follows:
Purchase order number. (Item no. if applicable)
Main tool number. (parent tool)
Detail or assembly number.
Quantity of pieces being delivered.
Mandatory Source Inspection
Source inspection shall be performed at supplier facility prior to shipment of final product. When applicable any in-process operations to occur before final shipment shall be source inspected prior to final buy-off. Anticipation of pending source shall be given to DECUIR representative a minimum of 24 hours prior to in-process or final inspection of purchase item(s).
All items shipped under the purchase order shall bear the stamp or signature of source representative authorizing shipment.
All pertinent customers of DECUIR reserve the right to be present during any source inspection performed per this clause.
Optional Source Inspection
DECUIR reserves the right to inspect, at supplier’s facility, any product under the purchase order. DECUIR shall contact supplier to confirm or waive source requirements. If contact has not been made between DECUIR and supplier before time of completion, or interim inspection, the supplier is authorized to ship product to DECUIR, provided the requirements of clauses AQ1 and AQ2 are fulfilled and accompany shipment.
All pertinent customers of DECUIR (including Government representatives) reserve the right to be present during any source inspection performed per this clause.
Mandatory Government Source Inspection
Government source inspection (GSI) is required and shall be performed at supplier’s facility prior to shipment. As directed by DECUIR / GSI any in-process inspection is also mandated by this clause. A minimum of 48-hrs notice to DECUIR, prior to inspection, is required when this clause is invoked. Supplier shall provide evidence of GSI source inspection with each shipment.
Right of Entry
DECUIR, their pertinent customers, and authorities (including Government representatives) reserve the Right-Of-Entry into a supplier organization, at any level of the supply chain, to determine and verify quality of work at any and all stages of production. All information, including digital information, records, logs, inspection tests and any other data are subject to review by DECUIR and their customers.
Supplier Survey
The supplier’s Quality Assurance system is subject to an initial survey and approval by DECUIR and/or their customers. Subsequent review of supplier and/or processors may be conducted before or after issuance of purchase order. Deficiencies identified as a result of a survey shall be noted and follow-up activities taken to ensure proper corrective actions have been implemented.
Supplier Process Approval
All processes used in conjunction with the purchase order are subject to approval through DECUIR and/or their customers.
Supplier Sub-tier Approval
All material, supplies and services not supplied to vendor by DECUIR must be obtained from DECUIR approved source prior to start of effort. Substitutions may be made only with written approval provided from DECUIR.
Manufacturing Process Plan Approval
Vendors elected to perform processes under purchase order, including any sub-tiers there-of, must submit a manufacturing / process plan for approval from DECUIR prior to the start of process.
Any changes in MPP must be submitted to DECUIR and approved prior to continuing efforts.
Note: Materials or items that pose lengthy lead-time to acquire may be purchased prior to final approval of MPPA only with written consent from DECUIR.
Supplier’s calibration system shall meet the requirements of MIL-STD-45662, ISO 10012 or ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 as applicable. All calibration standards will be traceable to NIST.
Supplier Calibration
All test and measurement equipment used in the performance of purchase order shall be calibrated and traceable to known standard per test methods approved and set-forth by DECUIR and their customer requirements. In the event the requirements are not stated on purchase order, the methods and/or specifications of the supplier’s internal calibration system shall be deemed acceptable.
Non-Conforming Product
Any deviation from product specifications or drawing requirements shall be documented and submitted to DECUIR in a timely manner for disposition and shipping instructions.
Electronic Inspection Media
All electronic data used to record and inspect products under purchase order shall be captured on a transfer media compatible with DECUIR specified methods.
Unless otherwise specified, normal default method shall be a CD type disc written in either Excel or a CSV format with the nominal – actual – deviation recorded.
Proprietary Agreement
All drawings, specifications, technical Information and electronic definition used in conjunction with purchase order are considered confidential and proprietary to DECUIR and its customers.
No unauthorized reproduction of media is allowed in any form other than that intended to produce product and/or services directly associated with purchase order.
First Article Inspection
Supplier shall perform a First Article Inspection on all items of the purchase order in accordance with the requirements set forth. Supplier shall forward a copy of the FAI report to DECUIR’s Quality Control manager for review, prior to the continuation of any production runs. Supplier shall notify DECUIR 24 hours prior to estimated completion of FAI.
Retention of Records
Supplier shall retain all viable quality and/or test records in accordance with this order and make readily available to DECUIR, or its customer, upon request for a period of no less than fifteen (15) years after date of delivery, unless otherwise stated. After retention period expires, supplier shall return or destroy records.
DFARS 252.225-7014 Preference for Domestic Metals
Specialty metals incorporated in articles delivered in fulfillment of this contract shall be melted in the United States unless allowed otherwise by DFARS 252.225-7014 Alternate I.
The following Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) requirement applies to this agreement, and is binding on supplier and each of its subcontractors:
252.225-7014 Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals (Alternate I).
Access to the applicable DFARS can be achieved via the website below:
The supplier shall include the terms of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order awarded under this contract in accordance with DFARS 252.225-7014 Alternate I.
Supplier Change of Location/Process
Supplier to notify DECUIR of a change in product and/or processes, changes of suppliers, or change of manufacturing facility location.
Counterfeit Parts Prevention
Supplier shall establish and maintain a Counterfeit Parts Prevention and Control Plan using Industry Standard AS-5553 as a guideline. The purpose of this document shall be to prevent the delivery of counterfeit parts and control parts identified as counterfeit.
Employee Awareness
Supplier shall ensure personnel are aware of their contribution to product or service conformity, their contribution to product safety, and the importance of ethical behavior.
MOOG SQR-1 Requirements
Supplier shall comply with MOOG SQR-1 requirements. These requirements can be found at https://www.moog.com/suppliers/supplier-quality-requirements.html
FOD Prevention Program
Supplier shall comply with the current AS9146 standard. Supplier’s will be subject to periodic desktop audits to ensure compliance. Audits with less than satisfactory results may require an on-site visit to discuss results and necessary corrective actions. All products are processed through receiving inspection that includes a visual inspection for FOD. Findings during receiving inspection will be documented on a non-conformance report/corrective action report and suppliers will receive notification upon discoveries.
All approved suppliers are required to be compliant with AS9146 standard, as applicable, according to the organization’s products and services provided.
AS9100D Standard
Quality Management System
DeCuir Machine's Quality Management System is proudly certified to AS9100D Standard. Our organization goes the extra mile in continuous improvements and we continue to implement vital programs like FOD Prevention and Counterfeit Material Prevention programs.
All employees stay involved, help maintain the QMS, continuously receive training, and they provide value-added ideas to improve processes and the overall effectiveness of the Quality Management System.